Zishuo Wang 王梓硕
Email: zishuo.wang [at] u.nus.edu   Office: COM3-B1-33

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I am a Research Assistant at National University of Singapore, advised by Prof. David Hsu. My research interest lies at the intersection of computer vision and robotics. In particular, I am interested in empowering mobile robots to perceive, understand, and interact effectively with their surroundings in dynamic and complex environments.

Currently, I'm working on visual navigation at Adaptive Computing Laboratory. I obtained my M.S in Computing from National University of Singapore in 2024, advised by Prof. David Hsu. Previously, I received my B.E. in Automation and B.E. in Artificial Intelligence from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2022, advised by Prof. Huijun Gao.

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My current research topics cover visual navigation, 2D & 3D perception, and autonomous system design. My research vision is to develop robust, generalisable visuomotor policy for robot navigation in the open world.

Open World GPS Goal Visual Navigation Apporach
Zishuo Wang, Joel Loo, Yuwei Zeng, Nielsen Cugito, David Hsu
Earth Rover Challenge at IROS, 2024

A navigation system that deals with the complexities of open world with purely vision-based sensing, compounded by remote communication latency. Won the 2nd place in the challenge.

Failure Resilience in Learned Visual Navigation Control
Zishuo Wang
Master's thesis, 2024

A comprehensive framework that imbues learned policies with the ability to detect task-relevant failures and handle them in an informed way through unsupervised anomaly detection and localisation.

Hatch Recognition Method for Bulk Carrier
Zishuo Wang
Bachelor's thesis, 2022

A hatch recognition method combining point cloud merging, learning-based 3D part segmentation and classical 2D image processing. Contributed to the perception module for automatic coal loading at Tianjin Port.


Anti-photographic Detection Algorithm Based on Semi-supervised Learning
Zishuo Wang
Bachelor's thesis, 2022

Built an one-stage object detector for photographic equipment with pseudo-label based semi-supervised learning.

Table Curling Robot

Built a smart robot car which can play curling on table by integrating visual processing, decision making and control.

Intelligent Vision PTZ for Face Tracking and Alerting

Built an 2-Dof Vision PTZ capable of face recognition and tracking.

Multi-legged Bionic Robot

Built a quadrupedal/hexapedal robot capable of obstacle avoidance and line following.

Modified version of template from here. Thanks! Last updated: 15 Dec 2024